Self Care #2

It's been a hot minute since writing anything here.

This post comes in light of the recent COVID-19 outbreak across the world. Many are panicking, as can be seen by the empty racks in various Costco locations and hand sanitizer being sold for $50 a small bottle on Craigslist. This is a friendly reminder that the mortality rate is only ~3% and that those who die typically had underlying medical conditions or were elderly1. It is definitely a dangerous virus and should not be taken lightly, but buying all the toilet paper at stores will not help. Buying all the masks will not help prevent you from contracting the virus.

Anyways, this is less about COVID-19 specifically, and more about being sick in general. I recently caught a nasty cold and as such have been staying home from classes. As can be imagined, I am quite stressed now that I am feeling a little better, since I've fallen behind in all my classes and I have two midterms and a quiz this week. Despite that, it is very important to rest. Colds and the flu are going around right now, so if you get sick, remember that your health should be your priority. Rest, take some time off of work/school, you can catch up when you're healthy again. If you absolutely need to go out of the house, try to wear a mask to prevent the spread of your cold/flu.

Stay hydrated my dudes, health always comes first. Also, when I am not drowning in homework I'll write something a little more interesting and bring this blog to life again.



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