dont smile at me & Singles

As promised, here's another music post. This time we're finishing off the music available on Apple Music by Billie Eilish. That means we're covering the album "dont smile at me" and some singles she released, and then wrapping up all three posts I've made about her music. 


This song is a lot more impressive in its musicality than its lyrics to me. I really enjoy the harmonies in the chorus, as well as whatever synth bass thing is in the background. I like that you can hear Billie's voice clearly in this song and it never fails to impress me that regardless of the style, her voice sounds fantastic. Personally I don't find any deeper meaning to this song, but it's fun to listen to. 5/10

2. idontwannabeyouanymore

You can tell that from a young age, she was acutely aware of the societal pressure on women and impossible beauty standards, "if teardrops could be bottled / there'd be swimming pools filled by models / Told a tight dress is what makes you a whore". The most relatable line in this entire song is the title line, "tell the mirror what you know she's heard before / I don't wanna be you anymore". Lyrically this song conveys a really strong message, and is likely something most young women can relate to. I like their choice of instruments in this song, I feel like it creates the right atmosphere for this song, somewhere between mourning and frustration. 8/10

3. my boy

A song about a classic topic, dishonest boyfriends. Not much to say there, musically I enjoy the instruments (again). The layering in the bridge is quite nice, and I like the choice of removing a lot of the background instruments for the very ending of the song. This song is okay, but nothing incredible to me. 6/10

4. watch

I like the sounds of lighting matches (I think that's what it is)! Not sure why but that addition seems so perfect. The lyrics are a pretty surface level recount of unrequited love, and once again I enjoy the melody and instrumental decisions they made. This song continues the general vibe I get from this album, which is that I like listening to the music because it sounds good, but there isn't a ton of emotional stimulation so far. 5/10

5. party favor

I do like the stylistic choice of making the first part of the song sound like it's through an old landline phone. Same comments as the previous songs for the most part, fun to listen and sing along to but that's about it. 6/10

6. bellyache

Right off the bat, the guitar and knocking sound is super catchy. This song is the first one that goes to the kind of "wtf" territory when you look at the lyrics. "My friends aren't far / in the back of my car / lay their bodies", like girl you were just singing about crappy boyfriends and now you're suddenly a murderer? Definitely a jump in topic. I really like the way she sings the line "where's my mind?" throughout the song, and then the transition to "maybe it's in the gutter" is nice. This song, besides idontwannabeyouanymore, feels like the first real lead-in to her darker, stranger style of her other albums. 7/10

7. ocean eyes

It's the song! For those who don't know, this song is what really set her music into the spotlight and skyrocketed her popularity. When I learned that I was honestly surprised, because the song isn't nearly as good as most of her stuff on WWAFAWDWG, but it's certainly a fantastic display of her vocal ability. I especially love her voice in the choruses. For some reason I can't imagine the current Billie singing this song, it's just such a jump in her style and maturity. Regardless, this song is quite nice to listen to, and while still being pretty superficial with the lyrics, I do like putting it on every now and then. 7/10

8. hostage

At this point it's pretty obvious that she wrote this album with mainly relationships on her mind. She was about 15 or 16 when she released this album, so I suppose it makes sense, but I still find it weird to listen to teenagers (children basically) talking about relationships so seriously. The song is okay, maybe I'll like it more when I have more personal experiences to relate to the lyrics with. 5/10

9. &burn

So this is a remix of watch, I like this version quite a bit more than watch. It's still got the fun lighting matches sound effect and the same vibe, but with shaper edges and a bit more of something that I can't quite find the word for right now. My least favourite part is definitely the interlude by Vince Staples since I'm not really one for rap-style music, but the rest of the song is cool. 7/10

That's it for that album. It's cool to listen to on occasion, but really doesn't have a major impact on me. Her other two albums are quite a bit better in my opinion.

Since this album is short, I decided to also go over her singles in this post, I'll try to do them chronologically and I'm going to skip any that she ended up including in an album (e.g. ocean eyes or my future).

A. Six Feet Under

Yet another song about a relationship. The song is really pretty though and I like listening to it in the evening or on rainy days, plus it's nice to really hear Finneas' voice in the song as well. Also her hair is silver on the art for this single and I absolutely love it. 7/10

B. Bored

This song was played on the TV show 13 Reasons Why, and just to be super clear, I do not support that show whatsoever and I'm listening to this song as if it's completely separate from the TV show. That aside, this is another song where I don't have much to say about the lyrics, but I like listening to the song. There's a bit of a pattern with how I feel about her older music, huh? 5/10

C. bitches broken hearts

I think this song is kind of underrated, plenty of people don't even know it exists, but it's a pretty chill song to listen to. The instrumental at the end is definitely my favourite part, I'm a sucker for some good piano. 5/10

D. lovely

This song is super pretty to me. I don't really listen to Khalid's music, but he complements Billie's voice in this song well. The pre-chorus is my favourite musically, especially "all night or a hundred years". I think if she wrote this song before dont smile at me was released then it would've been included on that album, since it fits well with the rest of the album to me. 7/10

E. come out and play

Another pretty song! This song feels like like waking up on a winter's morning with a friend who slept over and it's snowing outside and you're a bit shy but your friend is getting close to you and you're actually comfortable with them and I don't know what I'm rambling on about. I like the song. 8/10


The opening vocals are really cool to me, and then the transition from "paler than it should ever be" to "I'm on my back again" is great musically. The bass adds a great foundation for the vocals and rest of the instruments. This song is the first one that really gravitates to the style of her music that I like. Very enjoyable to listen to. 8/10

G. everything i wanted

There's two options here: write an essay about the song, or write barely anything. We're gonna go with the second option to spare y'all my rambling. This song is my favourite of her singles, it's fantastic in every way, and really resonated with me when it was released (and still does). 9/10

H. No Time To Die

This song was written for the James Bond film that was released somewhat recently. Definitely different from her usual style, but that's to be expected since this was for a film. I'm somewhat familiar with other past opening songs for James Bond films, and she really nailed the style here. The song isn't really my type, but I'm impressed by her wide range of stylistic ability and how well her voice handled the song. 7/10

I. Lo Vas A Olvidar

This was for a TV show I believe, with the artist ROSALÍA. I'm surprised at how good Billie's pronunciation is in this song (there's a lot of Spanish in it). I read the translation of the lyrics once but I'm not familiar with the TV show it's for so not much commentary there. I do think the song is pleasant to listen to. 5/10

Overall we ended up with these average ratings for her music: 

6.2/10 for dont smile at me
8.2/10 for WWAFAWDWG (not counting !!!!!!!!)
7.4/10 for Happier Than Ever
6.8/10 for various singles

I think the average ratings for dont smile at me and WWAFAWDWG are pretty accurate to how I would rate the albums as a whole. 7.4 feels a bit low for Happier Than Ever, although there's some tracks that I'm not the biggest fan of, the album as a whole deserves more like an 8. An average for the singles is kind of meaningless since they're not meant to be collected together anyways, but 6.8 does reflect that I generally enjoy the music on her albums more.

I loved doing these and I finished my last exam for the summer yesterday so I'll likely write another one for a different album and artist soon. There's two I really want to do so it'll be a surprise for now :)


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